I’d like to draw your attention to the fact that my meager coloring jobs on these sorry pages may not be no nothin’ never, but next to this marvelous coloring job of page 8 of Mecha-Smiles, it’s downright embarrassing. I was greeted with a marvelous surprise today when page was guest colored by the most excellent RD Ashes, creator of dystopian sci-fi comic, Dyerin’s Line, the charming and silly Doby and Smeck, and even then, the offbeat BBQ Peas. Check them all out now!
You can also see Doby and Smeck cameo in The Chanterelle and May Life here.
Mecha-Smiles may be temporarily out of commission, a village may be threatened by an enormous beast, and a criminal mastermind and his minions may be up to no good, but Mop-Top’s having a pretty nice evening nonetheless… For now.
Ana McKenzie