Dr. Cohl 06
Smilocide Tales 03: 06

I’ve Gotta Haul Honch
Mecha-Smiles 7:2

Smilocide vending at the queer mercado!
Come find us this Saturday! Books and merch for cheaper than you’ll find online or anywhere else!

Smilocide Tales, vol. 1!
Yep, new book come to town. Find it at the link below on Amazon.com! It collects the first six chapters of the acclaimed anthology series and it’s just wonderful.

Smilocide Faire – Pride and Prejudice
Yep, it’s back! At Public Displays of Altadena on Saturday, June 29th from 3:00-4:30pm, featuring vendors Rainbow Femme Collective, Li Sakurazukamori, Eli Wolfe, and featuring performances by Follywood Studios and of course, your truly featuring a retooled, longer performance of Horreur Sympathique. The even will be facilitated and, um, tech’ed by Vanfather Nightly MOST importantly, we’ll be raising funds for HIAS Refugees which provides support and legal services for refugees, particularly LGBTQ persons including those fleeing from Palestine. Hope to see ya there, Smilo-heads! If you’re interested in vending or performing at this or subsequent faires, sign up HERE!
Archive Of Posts
Stupid puppets shows, comics, and cartoons sprawl across a vast fictional(?) milieu. Leave the kids at home.